Monday, May 6, 2013


Well, I can't believe how terrible I have been this year!  I had vowed to myself to keep up steadily with my blog and to use it as a kind of diary about living in New Orleans but it seems that I have not only fallen off of the cart but UNDER the wheels!   It's not that interesting stuff doesn't happen to me....that
would be's that I just don't stop for long enough to update anything in my life.  So, I look at my blog today and see that I haven't posted ANYTHING for a year now.  A full year!  Well, here is what I've been up to...just to catch you up: Went to Key West last October.  It was heaven as usual. I miss it like crazy and vow to somehow go back to live there at least part of the year.  I am not a real Conch but a Freshwater Conch.  You have to have lived there for at least 7 years to get that title and I lived there for around 14.  They say that once you get that sand in your shoes, or in this case, marl dust
because there is not sand manufactured naturally on the island.
We had so much fun.  Can't wait to go back!

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