Monday, May 6, 2013

Autumn was a whirlwind of activity and work-related events.  I started at my annual Christmas job really early and it is so great to spend time with another whole set of co-workers and friends whom I only get to see during the holidays.  I spent the rest of my time working at my other part-time gallery job and painting, painting, painting for my upcoming show.  I get tired just thinking about it.  My solo show at the Jean Bragg Gallery this year was about dining in New Orleans so most of the paintings were restaurant-related.  Just think:  I had to research all of that.  Which means I had to eat in  a lot of restaurants in New Orleans so I could take photos to turn into paintings.  Hard job, huh?  Anyway, the show did alright. I guess so anyway because they invited me to do my fourth one, set for early 2014.
 Jean Bragg Gallery

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